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What is JQUERY?


JQuery was developed by John Resing in 2006 and is an open source JavaScript library currently under development by the large jQuery team. For jQuery you need to know basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript. For jQuery, the slogan “Write less, do more” is a good fit because with jQuery we are freed from grappling with JavaScript codes. When coding a site, we need a lot of JavaScript code; Codes help us with a lot of work such as finding an object, operating on an object, receiving and sending data, and of course this November we are busy with. Here is a time-saving library where jQuery plays a role and comes to our aid. It has many functions that allow us to perform such operations with a single code. If you're using JavaScript to work with, jQuery is unavoidable for you.

Another nice feature of jQuery is probably the huge advantage it offers across cross-platforms. It is the ability to run smoothly by automatically correcting errors for most used browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, MS Edge, IE, Android and iOS. JQuery also makes it easy for Ajax. As you know, Ajax works asynchronously in the rest of the codes. It also has manipulation with the DOM. In this way, it helps us to add-delete the HTML page. Another great feature is that you can simply animate with a few lines of code.

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